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Green Innovation Technology Promotion and Technology Verification Demonstration Project in Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation

Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency has been keenly supported projects related to Green and Sustainable Remediation (GSR) since 2012. To continue the efforts on the development and implementation of GSR in Taiwan, this project aims to (1) introduce novel site investigation and remediation technologies in the context of GSR (2) further implementation of GSR framework and assessment tools (3) field demonstration of passive sampling tools (4) establish the audit system for projects that adopt GSR remedies (5) promotion of domestic environmental technology verification (ETV) protocol. For the promotion of Green Innovation Technology, we introduced the on-site electrolysis technology to treat contaminated groundwater, respectively, at a contaminated sites in Southern Taiwan. conducted experiments to increase the radius of influence of the original technical matter through the integration of construction methods and excellent words. A phytoscreening database which included local tree database and the physiological capabilities in response to contamination was also devised. Additionally, with the help of academic and industrial experts, the domestic ETV protocol had been designed and awaited for further realization. As for optimization of GSR assessment tools, 3 common remedy modules had been developed and integrated into the GSR platform. An audit system for soil and groundwater remediation projects was established and used to evaluate the performances of best management practices (BMPs) at 1 contaminated sites. In conclusion, this project has introduced and demonstrated novel GSR technologies, assessment tools, audit system, and relevant guidelines which are beneficial for implementation of GSR in Taiwan. Recommendations have been made to address key concerns such as acquire baseline operational information for GSR platform optimization, encourage general adoption of GSR tools for remedy selection, and ensure complete compliance with GSR framework during site remediation.
Green and Sustainable Remediation, Environmental Footprint Analysis & Best Management Practices, Phytoforensics, Environmental Technology Verification